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Legal update on the right to international protection for unaccompanied and separated minors residing in the Safe Area of the Fylakio RIC in Evros.

An informative session was held for unaccompanied and separated minors residing in the SafeArea of RIC Fylakio on the right to international protection and the procedure followed until the acquisition of refugee status by the lawyer of the Child Protection Team of ARSIS.

Minors are informed of their general rights and the procedure to be followed in a language they understand. The presence of a lawyer during the asylum application and its examination process ensures that the case of the minor is examined by the competent authorities with the necessary guarantees and sensitivity, considering factors such as age, the traumatic experience the minor may have experienced, and his/her particular needs for protection and care.

The participants of the activity asked many questions about their legal status and general procedures and there was a very pleasant atmosphere after the end of the informative session.

The ARSIS Child Protection Team in Evros region (RIC Fylakio) operates under the program “Supporting Unaccompanied Migrant Children at the Northern Greek Borders and LesvosSafe Area (MERIMNA III – PROTECTION AT GREEK BORDERS)”,which is implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Greece with the support of the Czech Republic.
