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Social Apartments

ARSIS operates three social apartments each in Thessaloniki (23 places) and Volos (12 places). These accommodation facilities host young male asylum seekers from 18 to 25 years old, who either previously housed in shelters for unaccompanied children or directly referred by other services.

Their stay is for a short term until they become fully autonomous. The goal is to prepare the asylum-seekers for social inclusion, to provide them with opportunities for further education, vocational training and other social participation. Also, recreational activities are suggested during the time that they are accommodated for the purpose of inclusion, development of individual and social skills and integration in the labour market.

All the beneficiaries of the apartments receive cash cards to cover their basic needs.

This project is a part of the “ESTIA” -the Emergency Support to Integration and Accommodation-program which is implemented by UNHCR in collaboration with the local authorities and NGOs and funded by the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).

During 2017 the total number of beneficiaries living in the apartments in Thessaloniki and social apartments in Thessaloniki and Volos is 478.
