ARSIS is implementing the project “Accommodation and services to asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection in Greece” (Agreement Symbol: GRC01/2019/0000000177), which operates in the frame of ESTIA, the Emergency Support to Integration and Accommodation programme, which is implemented by UNHCR and funded by the European Union.
By implementing this project, ARSIS will establish and maintain 1,948 accomodation places for refugees and vulnerable asylum seekers.
More specifically, in 2019, ARSIS will establish or/ and maintain:
– approximately 249 apartments (968 places) in five border islands (Chios, Samos, Kos, Leros, and Rhodes),
– 88 apartments and social apartments, plus one shelter for families in Athens (566 places in total) and
– 61 apartments in Thessaloniki (364 places) gradually within the year
– 7 social apartments in Thessaloniki and Volos (38 places) for young adults (men), asylum seekers or beneficiaries of international protection, previously living in shelters for unaccompanied children,
– 2 Social Apartments in Thessaloniki (12 places) for families previous living in Filoxenion shelter (which operates under REACT – Refugee Assistance Collaboration in Thessaloniki program).
Through daily support mechanisms, beneficiaries will be able adjust to the new cultural and social environment, while ensuring decent living conditions and personalized management of needs. These actions also aimed to avoid social isolation, marginalization and combat discrimination and racism.
The project:
– ensures that all children are enrolled in primary and secondary schools;
– promotes learning the Greek language;
– ensures access to health care;
– provides information, offers counselling, psychological encouragement (both to families and individuals), accompaniment and mediation during visits to public authorities (tax office, unemployment office etc.);
– offers legal information and counselling;
– facilitates interconnection with other support actors and participation in the city’s social and cultural life.
In addition, all the beneficiaries receive cash cards in order to cover their basic needs such as food, clothing, transportation.