In 2006 the ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth was officially designated by the Council of Europe as a translation agency in greek, reproducing and disseminating the Compass methodology. Since then organizes awareness-raising educational interventions in primary and secondary schools and seminars for teachers.
In the framework of the program “Psychosocial and health interventions for the well-being of children from vulnerable populations” called “In4Child”, the Youth Support Center of ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth will organize educational interventions in order to inform and raise awareness on human rights in schools in the region of Thessaloniki during the academic year 2018-2019. The interventions target at students of all educational levels, experiential and are organized based on the methodology of Compass and Compasito manuals, the official manuals for human rights education with children and young people from the Council of Europe. Through various subject areas, the activities help young people and children to understand and adopt the values of human rights in order to fight for their defense in their everyday life.
The school units which are interested in the above mentioned educational interventions are kindly requested to contact the Youth Support Center, Monday to Thursday, 10:00 to 20:00 and Friday, 10:00 to 19:00.
“Psychosocial and health interventions for the well-being of children from vulnerable populations” called “In4Child” (for the child) are being implemented by ARSIS – Social Support Organization for Youth, the University St. Kliment Ohridski Higher Medical School of The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, UKLO, UNESCO Club of Serres and Lifestart – Growing And Learning together.
Contact Person regarding Educational Interventions: Ms Vassiliki Vatali
Telephone numbers: 2310 228850 & 2311 243058
E- mail: infokyn @ arsis. gr
Facebook page: @ YouthSupportCenter
See the press release here.