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Information about the program “Psychosocial interventions for the wellbeing of children from vulnerable populations – In4Child”

LOGO In4Child

Project In4Child enhances the access of children of vulnerable populations to psycho-social and health services, while at the same time provides educational interventions targeted both at children and parents.

The project implements a holistic approach in order to facilitate access to children on the move, children on the streets as well as children of other vulnerable groups (Roma, migrants, rural areas).

For the activities’ implementation, all partner’s resources and networks will be mobilized, including their volunteers’ capital.
In4Child is an innovative approach for both countries, Greece & Republic of North Macedonia, in the sense that it addresses common challenges in a cross-border manner.

The project is expected to create social structures for the support of children wellbeing which will mobilize local communities and last well after the end of the project cycle. 
The specific objectives of the Project are: 
1. Development of an institutional capacity on interregional level for implementing alternative cost effective community based educational services for children from vulnerable populations. 
2. Access of the disadvantaged children to psycho-social and health interventions   
3. Expansion of parameters for enabling marginalized and vulnerable children  develop their specific talents or reach their full developmental potentials, for better integration in primary school and the society as whole 
4. Creation of a capacity and knowledge deposit among local social scientists, health professionals and volunteers. 

The project is implemented in the INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme CCI 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009 and co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries.
