“I dream of rain, I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain, I dream of love as time runs through my hands”
Every time I look at this photo, in my head sounds this song: “Desert Rose” by Sting.
In my personal vision, metaphorically, living in a refugee camp is like living in a desert: you’re far from the city and your life lacks whatever a person needs, from the little things: a carefree outing with your friends to the most important things, like the possibility to study constantly or to go to the doctor…
I choose to be here, knowing that I will never change their situations in front of the decisions of the biggest people of the heart: in front of the decision that some passports are stronger than others or in front of the custom that having money is the access to happiness for many. On the other side, migratory flows have always existed and nobody will be able to stop it.
I choose to be here because I know that my presence for some people could be like a little sip of water in the desert, that will not completely quit your thirst but helps you to go on, despite all.
In my first month, I took my time to get to know people, places, colleagues and explore the projects and his functioning. I went to Pilea and Oreokastro and I knew the shelters where ARSIS works with unaccompanied minors.
My last visit was in the safe zone in Diavata Camp, the place where I worked until now. Also, in this case, the project is focused on unaccompanied adolescents, all males, with the difference that they live every day in the camp, so this makes life a bit harder.
For us, volunteers, it’s impossible not to be absorbed in the dynamics of the people’s lives around, which are not allowed in this specific project. Children run in the void and are the ones who least of all have the perception of how they are living.
Adolescents’ lives are different because they are already adults and many feel the responsibility of their families on them.
Boys of the safe zone, since the first days, became familiar with me. They like to spend their afternoon playing together, (less fun to have school classes 😛 ) or just to talk about what they need to say. For me, I am a woman, game moments turn into very competitive moments, but funny.
Each boy has his own particularity and not everybody participates in the activities. I respect everyone’s time and wishes and I am happy if I could do a good job, even with few of them.
I hope that in the future my work will be more and more useful for them and that my presence, even if temporary, can leave a good memory on their life.