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This month has been full of different emotions. The work in Pylaia is going better and better, I love to go there and it makes me forget all my thoughts and my fears. I’m becoming closer to some of the guys, they all are very nice to me and we always have fun together. It’s amazing that they feel confident enough to share their stories with me, sometimes we do really intense conversations about our ideas, our cultures, how the world is working. I like that our ages are so close that they don’t perceive me as an actual teacher or an “adult” but more as a friend, I think it’s good for all of us. I’m going on with my English and German classes; one of my students is also teaching me Greek in order to return the favour. When days are sunny, I play volleyball (even if I hate this game and I’m very weak) and football, but lately I started also to play chess with my student of German, who asked me to teach him to play and then of course beat me because he’s a genius.

Ginevra Lella March 2021

Beside work, the life is a little bit more complicated: I miss my comfort zone a lot. The restrictions have become tougher, now we are not allowed to move further 2km from our house and the curfew is at 6 PM in weekends. I would like to do little trips near the city because I’m tired to always walk in Ano Poli (I mean, it’s a nice place but after 2 months it’s a little bit boring). I would like to be able to meet new people on my own, because all the people I’ve met so far were already friends with my flatmates. In this month I’ve passed through a lot of different moments: the week of the on-arrival training was the worst. I couldn’t go to work because of the online training, so I spent most of my time alone, walking around the city and I was feeling very sad, because I missed my life as an offsite student in Italy, with my friends and all my activities. After this awful week, things got a little bit better, I spent more time with my flatmates and with the volunteers of other organisations. I hope that we would be able to go to work every day soon, because with these restrictions I get very bored during my free days. I still hope to become friend with some Greek people because now I understand a lot of words, but I need to practise, I’m very determined to learn this language.

Ginevra Lella March 2021 2
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