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This month has been really amazing! At work everything goes really well, I still go on with my classes of German and English, the guys are making a lot of progresses. The weather is nicer than the last months, we can really feel the Spring, so we make classes outside and we also play a lot of football, volleyball and cricket. On the 12th Ramadan has started and most of the guys are fasting, so of course they have less energies and they sleep more during the afternoon, therefore the shelter is more quiet and calm. Moreover, Rossana started to go to work with me and David on Friday and she does more advanced English classes.

Ginevra Lella April 2021

Beside work, my life has completely changed: the restrictions have become less tough, so now we are allowed to move around the municipality of Thessaloniki. I have met some volunteers from other organizations and some other people in Erasmus and they are all very nice and friendly, so now we spend a lot of time together, we go to the beach and we organize some hikes. I’ve got very close with some of them, so finally now I can feel at home and I’m very happy about my life here. Also, since I finally have my own life here and my group of friends, I got closer with my flatmates and the atmosphere in the house is very nice now. Also, three new girls from Cataluña (Spain) arrived at the end of April, they are really nice and they will work in Ωραιόκαστρο with Giusi and Rossana.

Ginevra Lella April 20212
Ginevra Lella April 20213 1
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