Erasmus+ Ευρωπαϊκό Σώμα Αλληλεγγύης.
Τον προηγούμενο μήνα τη σκυτάλη του προγράμματος Erasmus+, Ευρωπαϊκή Εθελοντική Υπηρεσία έδωσαν οι πέντε Ευρωπαίοι εθελοντές μας που από το Μάιο μέχρι το Νοέμβριο του
Τον προηγούμενο μήνα τη σκυτάλη του προγράμματος Erasmus+, Ευρωπαϊκή Εθελοντική Υπηρεσία έδωσαν οι πέντε Ευρωπαίοι εθελοντές μας που από το Μάιο μέχρι το Νοέμβριο του
The last 20 days Every story has an ending, every stage has a final point and every volunteering project has a final term. The last
The month of retrospections May have been a month in which the measures for going back to normal started to be established slowly and surely.
The lockdown and still a volunteer The month of April was marked in most of the European countries as a lockdown period, which for a
About gratefulness Being grateful for how lucky I am is one of the most important things I have learnt during my volunteering service, and especially
The times on March were quite intense at all. Our projects were on the edge to be cancelled due to corona, so we were already
Going out of the comfort zone while staying indoor Well, this is the phrase that can describe the month of March. It started full of
The month of colors, joy and plans It seems that this month is all about happiness, the carnival and the changes. A lot of work
Be free February is the shortest month of the year, but not the least intense. For me it is my fifth month in Greece. I
February, a fresh shower of cold water after a long night of dreaming The continuity of our projects, in terms of day by day learning,
My First Steps as a Volunteer To be honest, I am very grateful to have this opportunity and I am glad that everything worked well
Changes: part 2 In my last monthly report I talked about changes, the kind of changes you should make when you don’t feel comfortable with
January- the journey of discovery I entered in a new year abroad, for the second time in my life and I felt loved and lucky,
Patience and resilence I’m about reaching half of my volunteering experience and I can’t feel more grateful and lucky than I do of have being
January, New Beginning January is the first month of the year, it can be conceived as a new beginning for many people in order to
Changes Finally I have reached the half of my project and it’s hard to believe that time runs this fast! It seems it was yesterday