European Solidarity Corps – Solideers IV: Solidarity Actions, Empowered Volunteers
Here you will find monthly reports of the volunteers of this round of the ESC programme where they share their experiences.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions in this section are entirely subjective perspectives of the volunteers and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions of ARSIS, Organisation for the Social Support of Youth.
ESC - Solideers III: Solidarity Actions, Empowered Volunteers
Here you will find monthly reports of the volunteers of this round of the ESC programme where they share their experiences.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions in this section are entirely subjective perspectives of the volunteers and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions of ARSIS, Organisation for the Social Support of Youth.
ESC - Solideers II: Solidarity Actions, Empowered Volunteers
Here you will find monthly reports of the volunteers of this round of the ESC programme where they share their experiences.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions in this section are entirely subjective perspectives of the volunteers and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions of ARSIS, Organisation for the Social Support of Youth.
Παρά τις δυσκολίες των καιρών…
Παρά τις δυσκολίες των καιρών μας και τις αντιξοότητες των συνθηκών επί εποχής κορονοϊού, το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+, Ευρωπαϊκό Σώμα Αλληλεγγύης, πέρασε στο δεύτερο γύρο από
Ginevra Lella_June 2021
June Unfortunately, my June started in the worst way possible: we had to do two weeks of quarantine, because my flatmate got covid. I wasn’t
ESC - Solideers I: Solidarity Actions, Empowered Volunteers
Here you will find monthly reports of the volunteers of this round of the ESC programme where they share their experiences.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions in this section are entirely subjective perspectives of the volunteers and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions of ARSIS, Organisation for the Social Support of Youth.
Erasmus+ Ευρωπαϊκό Σώμα Αλληλεγγύης.
Τον προηγούμενο μήνα τη σκυτάλη του προγράμματος Erasmus+, Ευρωπαϊκή Εθελοντική Υπηρεσία έδωσαν οι πέντε Ευρωπαίοι εθελοντές μας που από το Μάιο μέχρι το Νοέμβριο του
Corina Chircea_June
The last 20 days Every story has an ending, every stage has a final point and every volunteering project has a final term. The last
Corina Chircea_May
The month of retrospections May have been a month in which the measures for going back to normal started to be established slowly and surely.
European Voluntary Service - Youth for Inclusion
Monthly reports of the volunteers.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions in this section are entirely subjective perspectives of the volunteers and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions of ARSIS, Organisation for the Social Support of Youth.
Ευρωπαϊκή Εθελοντική Υπηρεσία
Πριν από μερικούς μήνες, η ΑΡΣΙΣ – Κοινωνική Οργάνωση Υποστήριξης Νέων διεύρυνε το εθελοντικό της δίκτυο, υποδεχόμενη έναν αριθμό νέων εθελοντών στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος
Alex Galand_September
Reflecting on the role of the volunteer What is the purpose of the volunteer in such an environment? This question might be simple to answer
Alex Galand_August
Recreational activities with unaccompanied minors Recreational activities play a big part of the welfare of the minors. Sports favour team spirit, physical activity, respect of
Volunteers' Voices
Articles, essays, presentations and additional material of the volunteers regarding their work, experience and background.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions in this section are entirely subjective perspectives of the volunteers and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions of ARSIS, Organisation for the Social Support of Youth.
Giusy Andriano
The Greekness in Calabria Mythology One of the first times Greek culture came into contact with Calabria is tracked back to the stories of
Corina Chircea – Open the eyes
Purpose: do you judge? There are people among us that are not so permissive in welcoming new inhabitants on their homeland, that maybe judge the
Giusi Andriano – My way to Hip hop
“It’s like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under broken glasses everywhere people pissing on the stairs, you know