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Methodological Guide for Implementing a Social Mentoring Program for Unaccompanied Children and Youth during their Transition to Adulthood

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This document outlines the guidelines for implementing a social mentoring program for unaccompanied children and youth, drawing inspiration from the methodology of the organization Punt de Referència (Spain) and integrating experiences gathered from the European collaborative program "Re-Generations" between the entities Defence for Children, Italy (Italy), and ARSIS (Greece). Additionally, it incorporates the knowledge of the organization Mentoring Europe (Netherlands) within the framework of the European Program "RoAD to Adulthood - Mentorship to help unaccompanied Minors navigate adulthood.

." This program is funded by the European Commission through the AMIF fund, and in Greece, it receives co-financing from German Doctors. The implementation of the "RoAD to Adulthood" program commenced in February 2022 and is expected to conclude in January 2024.

Link to the Methodological Guide in Greek here

Methodological Guide for Implementing a Social Mentoring Program for Unaccompanied Children and Youth during their Transition to Adulthood.

This document outlines the guidelines for implementing a social mentoring program for unaccompanied children and youth, drawing inspiration from the methodology of the organization Punt de Referència (Spain) and integrating experiences gathered from the European collaborative program “Re-Generations” between the entities Defence for Children, Italy (Italy), and ARSIS (Greece). Additionally, it incorporates the knowledge of the organization Mentoring Europe (Netherlands) within the framework of the European Program “RoAD to Adulthood – Mentorship to help unaccompanied Minors navigate adulthood.” This program is funded by the European Commission through the AMIF fund, and in Greece, it receives co-financing from German Doctors. The implementation of the “RoAD to Adulthood” program commenced in February 2022 and is expected to conclude in January 2024.

Link to the Methodological Guide in English here
