ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth is participating in the program “Open Schools in the Neighborhood” through the action “Poem: Innovative Yard Stories”, which is implemented from the 6 June-27 July and 1-30 September.
The program “Open Schools in the Neighborhood” is an initiative of the Education and Sports Department of the municipality of Thessaloniki, in partnership with the Creativity Platform (AMKE) which coordinates the program, exclusively funded by Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
It is regarding an innovative pilot scheme, which’s main goal is the opening of schools, neighborhood, and local authority on the subjects of pedagogy, creative occupation, encouragement and support of the children, parents and citizens.
The program’s aim is the designation of the school as a core area of improvement of quality of life in every neighborhood, as well as the meaning of ‘community’, which contains a mutual meeting, cooperation, play, exercise and entertainment ground.
This particular program is currently taking place in 6 elementary schools (11th, 55th, 64th, 77th and the Intercultural one) and develops contextual actions and similarly intercultural meetings (Monday-Friday 18:00-20:00). Its parameters are structured every evening through the Multilingualism workshops, sensitization on children’s rights (Compass/Compassito), sports and music workshops, lingual/multilingual critical literacy workshops.
The above actions’ main target is the encouragement and leading of children, teens and parents, among others those of refugee and immigration flow within the Greek community, by accessing the Greek language and culture.
Besides, it has been documented that the arrangement of creative and alternative actions in the school classrooms during the evening time, flourishes the children’s daily lives, strengthens the socialization of the neighborhood and finally, provides democratic opportunities on the continuous training and lifelong learning.
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Also, you can visit the:
Youth Support Center of ARSIS
9 Spartis, 54640, Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2310 227 311 και +30 2311 242 956
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