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Life in EU project

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«Life in EU – Cultural learning experiences and experiential learning paradigms for social and labor integration of disadvantaged young migrants»In the last two years, and due to the migration flows in Europe, Member States have been implementing various policies aimed at a smoother integration of refugees. Particular attention is being paid to education and training policies designed to facilitate the labour integration of the migrant population. The solution proposed by Life in EU (Cultural learning experiences and experiential learning paradigms for social and labor integration of disadvantaged young migrants) is to link citizenship-related education to employment and livelihoods alongside the use of new technologies, as they can play a key role in providing valuable training to society and enabling a paradigm shift towards citizenship activation. The project activities will be implemented in Greece, France, Malta, Malta, Slovenia and Germany, which as central entry points to the European continent receive a large number of refugees. Activities to be implemented through the project are: 1. Assessment of the educational needs of young refugees to understand the culture of the host country and analysis of society's perceptions through data analysis. 2. Development of training based on the topics of history, politics, social affairs, law, rights, values, religion, geography, culture and customs of the host country. 3. Create workshops and performance simulations on the above topics, where multi-user groups will have collaborative virtual interaction. 4. Reconstruction of key cultural and historical events through storytelling to engage instructors and learners in a virtual environment for enriched learning experience of country values and language use. 5. Develop a "map" for employability and to assist in the transition to adulthood. 6. Publishing a series of 'dialogues' to elicit young people's views on what they want and expect from their future life in the country. The intended results of the project are 1. To collect practices that improve young migrants' understanding of civic participation issues. 2. The creation of a "Guide" for the training of professionals working in the field of education of young refugees. 3. The creation of a digital tool (application) Life in EU 4. Publication of dialogues of young refugees residing in the EU 5. Awareness, information and dissemination events Project duration: 01/11/2021 - 1/05/2024 (30 months) Total budget: 363.240€
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Life in EU project

Ομάδα της ΑΡΣΙΣ συμμετείχε στην εκπαίδευση που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο πλαίσιο υλοποίησης του έργου Life in EU, στο Cottbus στη Γερμανία το διάστημα 11-15 Μαρτίου

Στην εκπαίδευση παρουσιάστηκε η εφαρμογή που ετοιμάστηκε από το εταιρικό σχήμα με στόχο την αποτελεσματικότερη προετοιμασία των νέων μεταναστών/τριών στην αναζήτηση εργασία στη χώρα υποδοχής.

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Life in EU project

Δεύτερη διακρατική συνάντηση, στη Μάλτα αυτή τη φορά, για την προετοιμασία της επόμενης φάσης του έργου Life in Eu

Προετοιμάζουμε το υλικό για την διευκόλυνση της ένταξης των νέων μεταναστών και μεταναστριών στην αγορά εργασίας στη χώρα υποδοχής. Le LABA Vis Med Net Association BK

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Life in EU project

Life in EU: “Cultural learning experiences and experiential learning paradigms for social and labor integration of disadvantaged young migrants” / «Προώθηση της ενεργού συμμετοχής του πολίτη μέσω δημιουργικής μάθησης»

Η ΑΡΣΙΣ στις 31/3/2023 θα πραγματοποιήσει Εστιασμένη Συζήτηση – Focus Group με νέους πρόσφυγες στο πλαίσιο της συμμετοχής στο πρόγραμμα “Life in EU: “Cultural Learning

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