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INCREASE – Interdisciplinary competence development for youth workers in residential youth care and crisis intervention centers

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INCREASE is a two year project (September 2015 – September 2017), supported by the Strategic Partnerships Erasmus+ Programme, which focuses on innovation and cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of youth and education.

In order to avoid the above displacement of young people this project is focused on identifying the skills gap and the demand for further training of staff in residential youth care homes. In particular this project is looking at developing a training curriculum on areas of multidisciplinary anamnesis and diagnosis, targeted intervention and cooperation and networking amongst services.

Based on a needs analysis with the staff from residential care homes and various cooperation services, the partners develop a training curriculum (including training material) for those who support the young people in residential youth care homes and crisis intervention centers for young people. At the same time INCREASE looks to support the residential youth care homes (RYCH), parents, educational institutions and other services that support the young people. INCREASE also aims to influence social partners and responsible authorities and encourage them to utilize the results in their respective fields. Furthermore the partners present political decision makers with written recommendations based on the results of this project.

An international conference in Graz, Austria, to present and discuss the project results will close the two-year Erasmus+ project.

Project partners

Austria (Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH), Germany (Universitätsklinikum Ulm), Greece (ARSIS – Association for Social Support of Youth), Italy (FormAzione Co&So Network), Romania (Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Harghita), United Kingdom (Volunteering Matters).

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