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March was a good month. I’ve tried to keep my free time going out with friends and spending the day at the sun on the beautiful days, I think this kind of days out are so important to keep ourselves positives and to enjoy the days outside, they give us a lot of energy so as not to get depressed after so many months in quarantine.

The only sad thing is that our dear Ilaria left the house and the proyect, we are gonna miss her so much, but I’m very happy for her, that finally she found a job.

David Ajenjo March 2021

I lost my professional hairdresser 🙁

Related to work, I’m still feeling  very good with the boys, every month I gain more and more confidence with them and it’s very moving when they tell you their emotions and feelings, or just their life stories and what they really want in the future. Of course that sometimes is so hard to listen to these realities but I think it is totally necessary to realize in  what  world  we live and what kind of things are happening every day, and from here, what can we do to help.

I’m still doing Spanish and English lessons, playing games and spending their day a day in general. I hope the restrictions are going to finish soon, it would be so nice to do activities outside with them.

David Ajenjo March 2021 2

Arranging the garden.
