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Darrio Sottocorno_July

The third month of my experience in Greece: growing the impact

The third month in a new place is the moment you start to listen to your aspirations and ideas. It is also the moment you start having opinions about the environment around you and how it could be. I am in the halfway of the 6-months project here for my EVS in Arsis Thessaloniki, so now I am shaping my action, trying to adapt to the needs of the people I’m working with. And putting my vision into game.

I think that the practice of adaptation is included and coherent with the idea of intercultural social work. By adapting to the special conditions of the context, one can grow his competences in order to improve the impact of his action. This is valid specially when the work involves people from a migration background. In this environment, flexibility and ability to listen are basic. So if you make plans, be sure that they won’t realize as you expected. In the end, it is normal that inclusion follows a different path, based on each group, person, space it takes place.

dario july

Download the whole report here.
