Transnational training of trainers in Vienna
ARSIS - Social Youth Support Organization is pleased to announce the successful completion of the international partners' meeting, in the framework of the implementation of the European CIVILHOOD project, which brought together a large group of stakeholders to promote cooperation and exchange of know-how, knowledge and ways of mutual development.
The training took place in Vienna, where 20 participants from Greece, Italy,Cyprus, Slovenia and Austria participated on 3-5 October 2023.
The training included a) exchange of experiences of the participants b) evaluation of the training method and training material c) gathering of common issues of unaccompanied minors d) preparation of requests in policy recommendations to be presented at a Roundtable in the European Parliament in November 2023 and finally e) study visit to facilities for unaccompanied minors as well as to the United Nations (UNHCR).
One of the key lessons learned from the three-day training is the common assumption - the need for more and appropriate support and guidance for unaccompanied minors, who need to find their way in unfamiliar areas and societies and to ensure their transition to adulthood.
Participants collectively expressed the view that the Civilhood materials (modules) developed provide strong support for their work with unaccompanied minors.
Next steps of the Civilhood project coordinated by ARSIS, the roundtable in Athens on Thursday 02 November, entitled: "Integration of unaccompanied minors: opportunities, challenges and policy proposals" and the second cycle of trainings for professionals on the project's produced training material on the weekend 02-04 November (Calls - Publications forthcoming).
The Project CIVILHOOD is funded by the European Union's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.