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ARSIS in the 6th Festival of Multilingualism

ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth, participates in this year’s, 6th Festival of Multilingualism, organized by the Municipality of Thessaloniki. The events under the title “Education on the streets for democracy and pluralism” take place on the 18th, 19th and 20th of May.

Friday 18 May

  • ARSIS organizes two intercultural workshops on human rights, using Compass and Compasito textbooks. The first workshop (for kids) takes place on the ground floor of the Glass Building, Thessaloniki Port, from 5 pm to 6 pm, followed by the second workshop (for adults) from 6pm to 8pm.
  • ARSIS and the research group on educational multilingualism DIEPAFI decorate the World-Tree with wishes in many languages (from 6pm to 7 pm at Dock A).

Saturday 19 May

  • The Mobile School and the StreetWork teams present their projects in Warehouse D, Thessaloniki Port (Tonia Marketaki Hall) from 12.15 pm to 1.15 pm.
  • The Mobile School participates in the “Street Actions” taking place at Dock A from 11 am to 1 pm.
  • Unaccompanied teenagers living in ARSIS’ shelters sing karaoke and dance at Dock A, Thessaloniki Port from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm.

Sunday 20 May

  • Round table discussion (1.30 pm to 3.30 pm, Warehouse D, Thessaloniki Port, Tonia Marketaki Hall) organized by ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth, with professionals, volunteers and active citizens on the multicultural landscape as well as ways to empower refugees and asylum seekers living in the camps or in the cities.
  • Workshop on Pakistan customs and culture. The young people participating in the Youth Support Center’s program present songs and literary texts in Urdu and Punjabi with Greek translation (Dock A, Thessaloniki Port, 6 pm).
  • Screening of «Past-Present-Future moments» on the refugee crisis at 9.15 pm, Warehouse D, Thessaloniki Port (Frida Liapa Hall).
  • The awareness campaign is supported by PIER – Protection, Integration and Education for Refugees in Greece, Italy and Austria.,
    which is funded by the “Coca Cola Foundation”

For further information: Argiro Moumtzidou, pedagogue, tel: 6944472665
