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Ανακοίνωση: Χορηγία Sleeping Bag και κουβερτών Fleece για την υποστήριξη των προσφύγων μέσω της δράσης στην Ειδομένη από το Ίδρυμα Shüler Helfen Leben

Over the past nine months, “Eidomeni,” the border station, located at the borders with FYROM is a passage for thousands of victims of war; the vast majority comes from Syria, and a great percentage from Afghanistan, and others, leaving from various countries in Asia and Africa as refugees and traveling to the western countries.  Whole families and individuals are gathered at the border station for hours, many times for days, under the sun or rain, expecting their turn to cross the borders. Greece found itself unprepared to deal with this humanitarian crisis, both in the eastern Aegean area which is the main passage for refugees, and in the border of Eidomeni, which for the refugees, is the main gate of exit towards the rest of Europe. 

Since past August, at the peak of gathering of hundreds of people in the area of Eidomeni, ARSIS highlighted the need, among others, for a space for servicing children aiming at their pedagogical care and psychological support. Since the beginning of September, ARSIS mobilized its staff, both professional and volunteer, and started materializing this program a few days per week. Based on the experience of this pilot project, ARSIS organized and developed this activity further from the first of November, with shifts that cover 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

On November, Stiftung Schüler Helfen Leben granted ARSIS a funding for the project “Fleece blankets and sleeping bags for refugees” for purchasing fleece blankets for children and sleeping bags for adults and distributing them to the refugees in need in Eidomeni.

The contribution of the Foundation, as well as every small or great donation that we received from companies και hundreds of sensitized individuals, supports our efforts to give children a chance to drink some water, eat, play and draw, listen to some music, get away from the war they left behind and imagine the world they are looking for, before they carry on a journey with destination a life with dignity.




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